Minggu, 01 November 2009

Stomach smooth
stomach smooth , stomach Ideal BEAUTY .. There are several ways that you can follow to obtain the stomach faster, smoother and average.all most ideal woman's body is a healthy body and trim, including a flat stomach, fast, and smooth. Thus, various performed to obtain the desired shape. Many ways are offered from traditional to modern ways with the tools of high technology. Why not smooth stomach? Stomach uneven and not smooth due to fatty deposits. stomach was not smooth. Excess fat in the body, precisely under the skin tissue, called the fat (fat depots). Fat deposits emergence influenced by: · Gene (offspring): It was influential factor in the problem of obesity and fat deposits. · Hormones: estrogen hormone found in the woman's body. · Age: age and slack skin firmness disappearance. · Food: eating to excess will facilitate the emergence of fat deposits in the abdomen, waist, hips, and thighs. Fat layer is usually thicker than the layer of fat on other parts. To create a slim and smooth tummy, body treatments can be done internally and externally. Internal Treatment · Consuming drink a herbal tea or herbal medicine containing a substance that can launch the planning and circulation, so the skin becomes taut belly. Avoid fatty foods and high berkabohidrat. · Expand consume protein foods, sperti fish, chicken, egg whites, and beans. · Expand diet of fruits and fresh vegetables. Avoid foods and snack foods or beverages containing alcohol. Drink as much water - much. Drink anti-cellulite capsules. · Do the exercise on a regular basis. · Create a balance between work and recreation, and always think positively External treatment. · Do scrubbing to remove dead cells that clog pores. This method helps reduce the lines in the stomach. · Do massage of the abdomen with olive oil to help destroy the fat in the abdomen. Apply cream · antiselulit. · Perform body shower steam or other sauna.Cara streamline the stomach. · Therapy or acupuncture acupuncture. Aiming to stimulate the brain's hunger and should be done regularly. · Liposuction is liposuction under the skin. The way this is done by a doctor skilled and high cost.

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